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Meet the presidential candidates: Akash Vadalia

Published: April 8, 2011
Section: News

Akash Vadalia – 2012

Biology and Health

Science Society

and Policy Double Major

Current Union Position

Student Union Treasurer

Campaign Slogan

Putting the U back in Union

Other Campus Involvement

Experiential Learning Fellow, Campus Center Supervisor, Psychology Lab Research Assistant, Former Varsity Tennis Player, Former Co-President of the South Asian Student Association

As Treasurer

Vadalia believes his work on the Union throughout his three years on campus in various positions has allowed him to understand how the Student Union works to help members of the community and now he feels he’s ready to take the biggest leadership role possible.

Main Presidential Objectives

Promote the togetherness of the university, specifically through programming. He plans to work with club leaders to assure that events are scheduled evenly throughout the semester so that there’s always something to do on campus and so he that student activities fund is used to fulfill the needs of the campus most efficiently. He has confidence that this will boost Brandeis’ reputation in the sense that it’s not only great academically but it is also a social and enjoyable campus.

Renovate the housing on campus such as the Castle, East and The Mods.

“I am a hard worker, it’s a great quality of not the greatest quality of mine that I’m a very hard worker. Of course I have weakness like anyone else but my hard work gets things accomplished.”