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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

December 2009 Issue

Book of Matthew: One step closer

While there are many important things to talk about this month—sluggish economic growth, the Senate healthcare bill and the climate change summit in Copenhagen, to name a few—there is one particular headline that ought to be discussed before it ends up buried under an avalanche of larger news stories. Another part of the country has […]

Senate attempts to close Aronin UJ hearing

Despite its Dec. 6 impeachment of Student Union Secretary Diana Aronin ’11, the Student Union Senate filed a motion Thursday to “close to the public” the Union Judiciary impeachment trial in order to avoid “embarrassing or unfairly damaging the reputation of individuals involved.” If granted, the motion would close the hearings to the student body […]

UJ rejects motion to dismiss Aronin impeachment case

The Student Union Judiciary (UJ) case that would remove Union Secretary Diana Aronin ’11 from the office of secretary overcame a hurdle Saturday as the UJ dismissed a motion to dismiss filed by lead defense counsel Deena Glucksman ’11. The UJ trial, which has been scheduled for Jan. 24 at noon, is a result the […]

Senate impeaches Aronin, censures Hogan for misconduct in midyear senator amendment

The Student Union Senate impeached Student Union Secretary Diana Aronin ’11 and censured Union President Andy Hogan ’11 Sunday night for alleged “violation of the Student Union Constitution,” according to Senate Resolutions F09-3 and -4. The Senate decided to take action against the two Union office holders when Aronin allegedly failed to introduce a constitutional […]