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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

June 2009 Issue

‘Friend of univ.’ charged with securities fraud

Long time friend and donor to Brandeis Robert M. Jaffe was charged with securities fraud Monday by the Securities and Exchange Commission in connection with Bernie Madoff. Jaffe has been charged with allegedly ignoring signs of Madoff’s fraud as he funneled $ 1 billion from as many as 1,000 client funds to the convicted ponzi-artist. […]

Univ. suspends contributions to retirement funds

The university will suspend contributions to faculty and staff retirement funds for Fiscal Year 2010 in order to help close the university’s projected $8.9 million budget gap. They change will go into effect July 1. The plan, which will save the university $7.4 million, was approved by the Board of Trustees on May 15. Any […]