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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

October 2014 Issue

Brandeis Film Collective releases Halloween short film

On Halloween Eve, Brandeis Film Collective launched its first short film of the year, a production titled “Too Close to Be Home.” The film featured two up-and-coming first-year actors, Keturah Walker and Jordyn Seri, both of whom made it to the first showing and described their first experience acting. There was an aura of excitement […]

Popov ’16 completes a half-marathon and a dream

On Sunday, Oct. 12, Brandeis student Stanislav (Stasik) Popov ’16 completed his first Boston Athletic Association half-marathon. Popov finished 1,802th out of 6,211 people. His finish time was 1:52:5. “I just focused on getting through one mile at a time and just tried to take my mind off of running and just enjoy my music,” […]

Steps on climbing the career ladder

A well-known mantra for college students these days is, “Do what you love and happiness will follow.” At first, this is a reassuring sentiment and it has semblances of truth to it. It is also a fact, however, that the world, and particularly the marketplace, is changing at an unprecedented rate. There are skills that […]

Help with staying ahead in class

Dear Eliana, I went to a party the other weekend and met this girl. We exchanged numbers, but in my drunken stupor, I never wrote her name in the contact, so I really don’t know who she is. We’ve been texting, and I’ve been able to refrain from having to mentioning her name ever, but […]

Brooklyn-based artist premieres latex art at Women’s Studies Research Center

Just as the name suggests, “Big Bounce,” the Women’s Studies Research Center’s (WSRC) art event, displays innovative work that has recently grown in leaps and bounds—using latex as a medium of focus for artwork. With Brooklyn-based artist Leeza Meksin’s site-specific installation outside of the WSRC building, we can see how this elastic material helps viewers […]

Journalist Foreman advocates more attention for chronic pain

On Tuesday afternoon, Oct. 28 in the Women’s Studies Research Center (WSRC), a group of senior scientists, lecturers and students gathered to listen to nationally syndicated medical journalist Judy Foreman. She delivered a lecture titled “Chronic Pain in America: How are We Managing?” Foreman focused the talk on her recent book, “A Nation in Pain: […]

Kennedy School prof. reflects on Ukraine crisis

On Tuesday, Oct. 30, Dr. Karl Kaiser of the Kennedy School of Government spoke at the “The Ukraine Crisis: Implications for German Foreign Policy, the European Union and Transatlantic Relations.” The event was sponsored by the Center for German and European Studies, the Brandeis International Journal and the International and Global Studies Program in the […]

Walter W. Naumburg Prof. of Composition premieres fifth symphony

David Rakowski, the Walter W. Naumburg Professor of Composition at Brandeis, had his fifth symphony premiered by the New England Philharmonic Orchestra on Oct. 25. Inspired by dance, body movement and ballet, the symphony began as a multitude of short pieces and gradually became an entire four-movement symphony. “I liked working with the dancers, and […]