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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

May 2009 Issue

Donor’s nephew sues university

Sumner Kalman, nephew of Brandies donor Julius Kalman, filed for a court injunction against the university on May 7 that would prevent the demolition of the Julius Kalman Science Center. The suit, which was filed with Suffolk County Probate Court in Boston, represents the second conflict between the university and donors over donor intent in […]

Book of Matthew: The Bush Administration’s Tortured Past

A startling story is coming to light regarding the role of torture in the Bush Administration. Colonel Lawrence B. Wilkerson—a former chief of staff of the State Department under then-Secretary of State Colin Powell—believes that the Bush administration crossed several ethical lines in the days leading up to the invasion of Iraq. He claims that […]

That’s a croc

Tuesday turned out to be a banner day for reptile discoveries. Excited biologists announced that a fourth Mallee worm lizard was discovered in the state of South Australia. Until recently, it had been assumed that the Mallee could be found only in the state of Victoria in Australia’s southeast. Bryan Haywood, who works for South […]

Ayers Speaks at Brandeis

Former weather underground leader William Ayers spoke to Brandeis students last night about the three steps it takes to be an activist. Ayers, who was invited to speak by Students for a Democratic Society and Democracy for America, said that students who want to make a difference in their world must follow three steps: open […]

A few words on Arlen Specter

On Tuesday, five-term Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) surprised members of both parties when he announced his plans to switch his party affiliation and run for re-election in 2010 as a Democrat. From Specter’s point of view, this is an excellent idea. As a moderate Republican he is becoming increasingly unpopular with the rabid right wing […]

Counseling for career and life: Departing seniors share their thanks to the people who’ve guided them

There are exactly 16 days until commencement. For many seniors, it couldn’t have come soon enough. For others, it may seem like time–and their future–is closing in on them, and fast. Maybe some of you have a job lined up. Maybe some of you would like to hide in a hole and avoid the obvious […]