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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

Editorial: The necessity of open dialogue

Published: April 7, 2006
Section: Opinions

The Hoot is your community newspaper.
To fulfill this role on campus, we take, in particular, two responsibilities very seriously: providing pertinent, unbiased news that is of interest to our readers, and maintaining the rest of our pages as an open venue for public forum and discussion.

Regarding this latter commitment, to this day The Hoot has published all but one submission weve ever received. Weve never edited for content, and have only shortened pieces due to space constraints. Even this, weve done with the consent of the author. It is imperative for true open dialogue on campus that each member of our community has a place for his or her voice.

These voices, including opinions, columns, cartoons, and advertisements which you see printed in The Hoot do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editorial staff.
The appropriateness of this policy has come under scrutiny. Why publish something that has the possibility of offending some members of the community?

If we did not adhere to this policy, the benefits of an open dialogue would be lost.
The beauty of free speech in The Hoot is the potential for the limitless exchange of ideas. If you read something, see something or hear something, either within our pages or otherwise, that you feel should be discussed further within the community, you have the opportunity to make your comments public. You can communicate with your community. The Hoot does not represent a person, an idea, or a club. We are not representative of our readership. The Hoot is on campus to facilitate intra-campus dialogue.

The student body has continually expressed a desire to have the ability to freely contribute to our paper. We encourage you to use us as your megaphone. If you would like to be heard within your community, please email us at