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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

Continue investing in student life projects

Published: January 20, 2012
Section: Editorials

The re-opening of the Linsey Pool this week, after much fanfare, complete with Saturday’s planned pool party, represents a great success not only for Brandeis’ student activists but for intelligent and effective budgetary decision-making as well. The board of trustees announced the donation of the money to renovate the pool last spring, a decision that reflected leadership to improve student life on campus.
The pool renovation is an example of money well spent—it’s something students really want, it’s something relatively quick and feasible to implement, and it’s something that Brandeis’ image not only deserves, but requires.
The board should take advantage of other ideas that are both worthy and financially feasible: The campus needs more study spaces; dining options could be expanded; the Village gym should be renovated.
If that is out of the question, the administration could aim even smaller: updated furniture in dorm rooms, or the type of repainting and modest refurbishment that was done to Gordon Hall could be done elsewhere.
Any project of this nature, however minor, would help the university’s image, measurably improve student life on campus and be virtually without downside. The board could accumulate some great outside press for the university and be serving students as well at relatively low cost.
Currently proposed plans, like renovations to East and the Castle, which were announced at the last State of the Union, must be accomplished as promised. Avoiding the disappointment of the student body and making real progress could be achieved together.
The university should learn from its own lesson as we celebrate the re-opening of the Linsey Pool, the family’s generous donation and what these things mean for Brandeis. Projects like these could accelerate and become the norm at Brandeis. We could change for the better in small but constant ways. On the fund for improving the university, the Linsey Pool should not be the board’s last dip.