Equestrian team competes in first show of semester
Published: March 16, 2007Section: Sports
The Brandeis Equestrian Team competed in its first show of the semester at Rising Star Equestrian Center in Medway on Sunday. The team sent six of its members to represent Brandeis. Placing well in her first show was midyear Beth Bowman 10, who came away with a second place ribbon on the flat and a fourth place over fences.
Other team members placing well were Kate Gardiner '07 with second place in her Walk-Trot-Canter class, Sarah Kalafut '09, Dan Lincoln '09, and Sharone Horowit-Hendler all placing third in their respective flat classes, and Maia Belic with second place over fences and fourth place on the flat. With only a few shows left in the season, two of Brandeis' riders have qualified to attend the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association Regional Competition, and Sarah Kalafut '09, with second-place ribbons in their respective classes.
Of her first show, Bowman said, “It was a great chance to experience the competitive atmosphere of collegiate equestrian eventing.” Dan Lincoln '09, and Sharone Horowit-Hendler all placing third in their respective flat classes, and Maia Belic with second place over fences and fourth place on the flat.
With only a few shows left in the season, two of Brandeis' riders have qualified to attend the Intercollegiate Horse Show Association Regional Competition: Horowit-Hendler and Courtney Dean '08.