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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

Student attacked in Massell Quad

Published: September 7, 2007
Section: News

An unknown assailant attacked an unnamed male student in Massell
Quad Friday August 31st just after midnight according to the department of public safety. While the student was attacked in Massell Quad, sources state that he was not a first-year student.

The student, who remains unidentified, was talking on his cell phone in Massell Quad, explained Director of Public Safety Ed Callahan.

An individual came up to the person and asked to be let into the building, said Callahan. He continued, the student said he wouldnt let him in, and I guess the individual in question got very upset and started saying some very inappropriate things.

The situation escalated after the student told the student to back off, according to Callahan. At that point, the attacker punched the student in the face. The student was hit once and sustained a bruised lip. He refused medical care. The student then dropped his keys and the individual tried to grab them, said Callahan. He continued, the student told him to stop, and I guess the individual then just left the scene cursing. Callahan remarked, I give the student a lot of credit, he asked the person where their keys were, and the individual said he lived off-campus.

After the incident was reported, we sent patrols out to the surrounding
woods, but we didnt find anyone, said Callahan. He added, we had extra patrols all weekend. A campus-wide email was also sent out following the incident urging students to exercise caution on campus.When asked if alcohol was involved in the assault, Callahan was unsure if alcohol was involved in this instance. The student who was attacked said that he thought the person who did this might have been intoxicated, said Callahan. When alcohol is involved, peoples aggressive instincts start showing up more frequently.

Callahan said, we havent heard anything since the incident. Usually people will call after reading the bulletins we sent out. We cant be everywhere at once we rely on the eyes and ears of the community. He added, we encourage members of the community to use the escort safety service and to report suspicious occurrences or people, or any issues with damaged locks to public safety.

Massell Quad director Andrew Roberts declined to comment on the assault. A Community Advisor (CA) in Massell Quad also declined to speak, citing CA protocol.

First-year Massell Quad resident Gideon Klionsky said, I had my windows open at 12 above where I assumed [the assault] happened but I didnt hear anything.

Reactions from first-years are varied. Massell Quad resident Maarit Ostrow 11 said, I dont think [the assault] makes me feel differently about Brandeis. Its a bizarre, weird thing but on the whole, were in a very safe place here. Rafi Stern 11, Massell Quad resident from Jerusalem, is unfazed. In Israel, there are worse things, he said.

Sarah Levy 11, another Massell Quad resident, said it sort of makes you realize that you cant just trust anyone. She continued, just because theyre on campus doesnt mean theyre someone you can trust. North Quad resident Jonathan Sussman 11 agreed. This will hopefully raise awareness security awareness on campus. Maybe students will be allowed to carry guns, he said.