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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.


Published: September 19, 2008
Section: Arts, Etc.

Withdraw winter from the lids of your eyes

and keep it warm where none can feel;

when summer is light with fireflies,

when autumn falls with mute surprise,

when chords accord, when tones congeal:

withdraw winter from the lids of your eyes.

The sun by day will gaily arise,

the bird of night, as if to reveal

a summer alight with fireflies.

From caves and coves the moon obscures the skies

yet closes her heart with golden seal:

withdraw winter from the lids of your eyes.

Small time – no time – to live in lies,

to smother the sight from visions unreal

of summer alight with fireflies.

From seams in the Earth, one day will give rise

the final shock that admits no appeal.

Withdraw winter from the lids of your eyes

while summer is light with fireflies.