a manifesta, to be performed. unfinished.
Published: September 26, 2008Section: Arts, Etc.
I am tired of revolutions that do not represent me
Of safe spaces that alienate aspects of my identity
Denying the intersectionality
That is my reality.
I am supposed to put on a shelf
Facets of my self
Stick to the issue at hand
And not make a sound
About supposedly unrelated topics.
I have too often found
That the assumption of activists is limited
To certain images
Of white liberal hipsters
Indie rock listeners
And when I go to the places
That activists are supposed to
I know that these are my friends
And I love them
But I know I am not of them.
Recently I received an activist group’s email
Asking me, did I ever feel
Disillusioned- and I thought, yes
Disempowered- and I thought, yes
Dissatisfied- and I thought, yes.
Then it asked if I missed hardcore punk rock
And yeah I listened to punk rock in high school
And found it political and cool
But also listened to old school
Hip hop
A genre that poor, colored folk around the world
Have put beats to and hurled
‘Cause it gave them a voice
When nothing else did.
There existed an assumption that
The people getting this email
Were of a certain type that
Was most welcome at their meetings.
Exclusion manifests itself
In subtle ways.
And it may seem trivial
But when it happens day after day after day
I start to feel it.
My race, sexuality, religion, and gender
Do not define me
But are all part of me
That I could not even try
To hide or deny
Because they have influenced my experience of life
So profoundly.
When all the places
You were told to turn to
Have failed you
And you tried to make your voice heard
But it echoed back to you
What do you do?