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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

Editorial: Making peace with a ruling

Published: March 27, 2009
Section: Opinions

Sunday, the Student Union will return to a proposed amendment considered at last week’s meeting. The amendment, proposed in the wake of the most recent Union Judiciary decision overturning a Senate Money Resolution that would help fund a visit by Bill Ayers, intends to change a constitutional by-law limiting the way in which the Senate may spend its budget.

The current by-law requires that the Senate’s budget may only be spent on “a Union government project.” The new by-law would only specify that the money be spent on “projects for the betterment of the Brandeis University undergraduate student body.”

At first glance, it might appear that such an amendment is necessary. Many students would support an amendment that would allow the Senate to spend its money on projects outside of the Union government. And indeed, the Union should be here to support the student body.

But such an amendment would not benefit the student body in the long run. Instead, the amendment might muddy funding allocation process.

The Student Union Senate is not the Finance Board and it should not take upon itself similar tasks.

More than infringing on the territory of the Finance Board, this amendment would afford Union senators the precise privilege they were most recently denied by the Union Judiciary – doling out financial favors to friends and clubs.

This amendment is not a call for change. It’s a call for a do-over by sore losers.