Small Reitman fire momentarily evacuates residents
Published: October 9, 2009Section: Front Page
Residents of Reitman Residence Hall in the North Quad were evacuated to Polaris Lounge for approximately an hour and a half at 4 a.m. Thursday morning after a small fire was started on the second floor of the building, Director of Public Safety Ed Callahan said.
No one was injured by the fire, which was started when a resident placed a piece of fabric over a floor lamp in an attempt to not waken her roommates while she studied.
The fabric consequentially ignited and fell to the floor of the triple.The flames then spread to a mattress and foam mattress pad of one of the residents of the room.
Brandeis Pubic Safety Officer Dana King arrived on scene to see heavy smoke coming from the building and then extinguished the fire; however the fire was reignited around the time the Waltham Fire Department arrived on scene a few minutes later.
The fire department threw the bedding out of the room and into the hall in order to extinguish the flame.
After the fire was extinguished, the residents were let back into their dorm.