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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

Paul Simon to sing at Commencement

Published: April 28, 2010
Section: Breaking News

BREAKING NEWS: Singer and song writer Paul Simon will sing at commencement on May 23, university President Jehuda Reinharz announced today in an e-mail to the senior class. Read more in Friday’s issue of The Hoot!

Email from President Jehuda Reinharz

Dear Seniors,

I have great news to share with you. Thanks to your enthusiastic
advocacy, Honorary Degree Recipient Paul Simon has agreed to perform
a song at your commencement. The decision came after we reached out
to Mr. Simon’s management and conveyed the excitement of your
“Facebook” campaign requesting that he sing. This will certainly
contribute to making commencement a memorable moment for you and your

Additionally, Mr. Simon has agreed to speak at the School of Creative
Arts commencement at one o’clock in the Spingold Theater Center. All
members of the Brandeis community are welcome to attend.


Jehuda Reinharz