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Daniel Silverman




  • Archives by Author

    Daniel Silverman

    Hoot Interview: Krauss describes history, goals of curriculum changes

    Provost Marty Krauss sat down with The Hoot to discuss the history and goals of the Integreated Planning process.

    Integrated planning works towards 7 year plan

    University President Jehuda Reinharz officially revealed, on Dec. 13, to the entire Brandeis community the existence of an administrative planning group formed in fall 2003 to undertake a complete review of University operations and propose changes for the next seven years. This integrated planning committee, composed of senior University administrators, was charged to “undertake a rigorous, realistic, comprehensive, and informed planning effort to integrate all areas and aspects of the University's operations,” according to Reinharz's letter to the community.

    New one-stop center opens in Usdan

    This spring brings the first major upgrade of student services space in two and a half years with the opening of the Phase 1 Renovation of the Usdan Student Center. The $2 million project is one of several phases of an $18 million overall plan to upgrade facilities in Usdan and Kutz Hall.

    A&S restructure juggles conflicting goals

    Dean of Arts & Sciences Adam Jaffe's recently articulated vision for the future of the Academy at Brandeis sparked a furor when introduced on Thursday, Oct. 4, 2004 at a special Faculty Meeting. A follow-up meeting on Dec. 16 included the release of Jaffe's complete 61 page proposal, created as part of the Integrated Planning process (see related story, page 1). This report was finally opened to student review on Dec. 29.