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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

Elizabeth Eichel




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    Elizabeth Eichel

    SUDAN pursues divestment

    The Brandeis chapter of Students Taking Action Now: Darfur (STAND) is about to begin a major campus-wide campaign to convice Brandeis administration to divest its holdings from Sudan.

    Parity agreed to for Brandeis workers

    After months of negotiation between the administration and the Service Employees International Union Local 615, direct workers and contracted workers will receive the same pay. The old contract expires in August 2006.

    Conservative coming out week

    Like many small, liberal-arts colleges in the Northeast, a majority of Brandeis students are liberal Democrats. However, this week is Conservative Coming-Out Week, featuring a series of events designed to bolster awareness that Brandeis has a conservative community. According to self reported political affiliations on, which about half of Brandeis students are part of, there are about 1148 liberal leaning Brandeis students registered and about 149 conservative.

    New diversity Dean eager to take post

    Jamele Adams, the new Assistant Dean of Diversity Services, will arrive at Brandeis this fall with enthusiasm and experience. Adams plans on assessing the diversity at Brandeis and seeing what is working wonderfully and what needs improvement. My door will be opened, says Adams, but I will go outside my door. You can ask me questions too. He begins his term in the fall, but he will visit in April to see Culture X.