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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

Joshua Sugarman




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    Joshua Sugarman

    SUGARMAN: Snyder's brash attack hurts all students

    To Brian Snyder, the Brandeis senior now known campus-wide for his infamous exchange with President Reinharz (published in its entirety within these pages), I would like to say welcome. Welcome to the good fight.

    Operation Student Shield misdirected

    The tragic and disheartening events following this falls improbable, seemingly impossible, Red Sox championship have left many in our community searching for an appropriate scapegoat. Some quickly blamed the bedlam, injuries, and unfortunate fatality on the anxious policemen in the street that night, while others turned to those who peddled alcohol to unruly fans late into the evening. The most rational amongst these pundits, though, turned their attention straight to those fans that poured into the street, pulled down lampposts, and set fires throughout the city.