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Michelle Junger




  • Archives by Author

    Michelle Junger

    Republicans cancel Coulter event

    The Republican Clubs plans to bring political pundit Ann Coulter to speak on campus later this semester have been cancelled, according to Finance Board records. On Feb. 16 the club returned the $5,000 granted by F-Board for the event.

    Ice rink constructed, skates still elusive

    Earlier this week, a new ice skating rink was completed among the trees between the Shapiro Campus Center and the Feldberg Building. Dean Rick Sawyer and the Student Union Executive Office worked together to plan and create the rink, which Sawyer describes as a recreational addition to campus. The rink, built by Facilities staff and paid for by the offices of Associate Vice President of University Services Mark Collins and Senior Vice President for Students and Enrollment Jean Eddy, is available for student use free of charge.

    Conservative pundit Ann Coulter may speak on campus

    Ann Coulter, a controversial conservative political pundit, may be visiting Brandeis to speak to students in early April. The event, scheduled to take place on April 7, is being organized by the Brandeis Republican Club. So far they have received $5,000 of the $28,000 necessary to pay Coulters speaking fee and compensate her for personal expenses in coming to Brandeis.