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Samuel Dewey




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    Samuel Dewey

    The case against Harriet Miers

    I, like many of my more legally interested brethren of all ideological spectrums, waited with eager anticipation for George W. Bushs selection of a nominee to be Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court vice Sandra Day OConner, resigned. We all-with eager anticipation debated whether he would nominate a J. Michael Luttig (a protge of Justice Scalia) or a more moderate nominee, such as Circuit Judge Karen Williams or Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez. The question was never whether his nominee would follow in the paths of most recent nominees in being one of the most brilliant scholars in the field of Constitutional law or whether they would be tainted by cronyism-then came Harriet Miers.

    Bennett arrested for violating CAN-SPAM act*

    Yesterday in a shocking development Assistant Dean of Student Life Alwina Bennett was arrested by federal agents for violating Federal Anti-Spam Laws.