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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

The Brandeis Watch

The Brandeis Watch: Rollover fund results

With Andy Meyers, Jordan Rothman, Max Shay, Adam Hughes.

The Brandeis Watch: Discussing the Union elections process.

With Pat Garofalo, Adam Hughes, Zach Aronow, edited and hosted by Andy Meyers.

The Brandeis Watch: Seniors discuss the senior class gift.

With Pat Garofalo, Clarissa Stark, hosted and edited by Andy Meyers.

The Brandeis Watch: The Hoot examines the aftermath of Exstasy, and Brandeis parties in general

With Pat Garofalo, Karen Lowe, Andrew Litwin, hosted by Pat Garofalo and Andy Meyers. Edited by Andy Meyers.

The Brandeis Watch: Housing Guide

An overview of the housing selection insanity! With Clarissa Stark, Ben Douglas, Max Shay, David Pepose, Zach Aronow, hosted by Andy Meyers, edited by Andy Meyers and David Pepose.

The Brandeis Watch: Housing Guide: Ziv

With Clarissa Stark, Ben Douglas, Max Shay, David Pepose, Zach Aronow, hosted by Andy Meyers, edited by Andy Meyers and David Pepose.

The Brandeis Watch: Housing Guide: Mods

With Clarissa Stark, Ben Douglas, Max Shay, David Pepose, Zach Aronow, hosted by Andy Meyers, edited by Andy Meyers and David Pepose.

The Brandeis Watch: Housing Guide: Grad

With Clarissa Stark, Ben Douglas, Max Shay, David Pepose, Zach Aronow, hosted by Andy Meyers, edited by Andy Meyers and David Pepose.