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NEWS RELEASE: New Assistant Dean of Student Life for the Support of Diversity hired to replace Mays

Published: March 4, 2005
Section: News

The office of the Dean of Students has completed a very lengthy national search and that Mr. Jamele Adams has enthusiastically accepted an offer to join our community as Assistant Dean of Student Life for the Support of Diversity.

This position has been vacant since last summer when Dean Nathaniel Mays left to become dean of students at Lesley University.

In addition to the generalist duties shared by the assistant deans in this office, Dean Adams will focus our interest on the shared values within our student community regarding appreciation for difference, individuality, and what we have in common.

Dean Adams joins us directly from a key position with Derek Jeters Turn 2 Foundation in New York City. Jamele has directed a program called Jeters Leaders – a leadership program which enhances the skills and academic performance for 32 selected teenagers.

Prior to his work with the Turn 2 Foundation, Jamele was a key administrator and adjunct faculty member at Montclair State University in New Jersey. Prior to that Dean Adams held important posts with responsibility for residence life, housing, first year student advising and multi cultural programs and services at Kenyon College in Ohio, and Ashland University in Wisconsin.

When Jamele visited Brandeis in February, he energized those he came in contact with through his enthusiasm and experience and his ability to articulate a vision for a campus where respect for one another and appreciation for who we are is key. The students who met Dean Adams were very open with their hopes that we could have Jamele Adams join and support our efforts.

The search committee, made up of students, faculty and staff, worked very hard under the coordination of Assistant Dean Lori Tenser. I extend my public thanks to everyone involved in the search process for patience, effort and care for this excellent outcome.
I trust you will all join us in welcoming Jamele and his family when they arrive.

Dean of Students Rick Sawyer