Vandalism in East Quad
Published: September 23, 2005Section: News
This weekend Hassenfeld Hall in East Quad was affected by several acts of vandalism. Many Hassenfeld residentsparticularly those on the fourth and sixth floors, where the vandalism took placeare distraught by the vandalism. Some of the more dramatic acts of vandalism included the writing of vulgarities on a Community Advisors (CA) dry erase board, and the theft of a computer from an unlocked room on Hassenfeld 4.
Maybe people didnt understand the rules, said Christine Caruso 07, a CA on Hassenfeld 6. Her aggravation stemmed from the destruction of the halls diversity board, which she helped put in place.
Roommates Eileen Ani 08 and Clarissa Stark 08 also dealt with issues of their own this weekend. We had a photo on our door, said Ani. Somebody had poked holes in the eyes.
The roommates problems continued the following night with further assaults on their property. We heard this tearing sound at our door, and we opened [it] and saw some people walking away with our white board. said Ani. I chased them down, and they said I didnt do it, somebody just handed it to me.
Ani could not recognize the vandals, who she believed were friends of people down the hall.
It makes you not want to live there, said Ani.
Gabby List 08 was another victim of vandalism. Her dry erase board was ripped from her door and thrown across the hall. Unlike Ani, List was not in her room at the time of the offense.
East Quads CAs met on September 20 to determine how to deal with acts of vandalism in the future. East Quad director Megan Drangsveit was unavailable for comment at the time.
Caruso mentioned there would be an upcoming hall meeting to discuss the vandalism. Aggravated with her peers on her floor, List commented, I think people need to grow up. I think people on this hall need to realize there are other people living here. Be as drunk and obnoxious as you want, but do it in your room.