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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.


Mailroom transition threatens Brandeis family

As reported in today’s news section, Brandeis University has lost several members of the campus family over the summer. Due to the mailroom’s switch in ownership, we will be losing, among others, Bill “The Singing Mailman” Bowen and Nancy Landry, who have worked at the university for 35 and 28 years, respectively. This is a […]

Year in review

To mark The Brandeis Hoot’s 10-year anniversary and to celebrate the closing of the 2013-2014 school year, The Hoot decided to take a look back on the events that have shaped the life of students over the past year. The following five articles all involve concerns that students have raised, and that in turn, have […]

Admin demonstrates support for student body despite controversy

Commencement is an annual tradition where graduating students are able to look back at their years at Brandeis with nostalgia and look ahead to their future plans. Students can celebrate surrounded by their loved ones and friends, who have been there every step of the way. This atmosphere would have been jeopardized if Brandeis had […]

Catalyst Fund signifies investment in the students

College tuition has risen over the past several years, even though median household income has remained stagnant. The recently formed Catalyst Fund, announced Thursday, is a fantastic first step in aiding students pay a steep tuition. This fund aims to raise $100 million for undergraduate and graduate financial aid over the next few years. It […]

Administration failing to meet students halfway

The Student Union sponsored a round-table discussion Thursday, March 21 to try to address the numerous concerns being put forth by students over the past year. Attempting to reply to questions concerning executive pay, future dining services and tuition costs, the Student Union and Administration came together to make university policies more transparent to students. […]

‘SpeakOut Brandeis!’ raises awareness, but survivors need more

A Tumblr page featuring anonymous confessions about sexual assault, written by Brandeis students, sparked mass discussion this past week. Most of the posts on “SpeakOut! Brandeis” go into extreme depth, depicting the assault and resulting fear and pain. Firstly, we want to commend those speaking out on their courage. Sexual assault is often viewed as […]

Brandeis community needs to support all discussions

Campus events that are easy to support, such as ’DEIS Impact, have received great promotion from the administration and the student body. Covering straightforward, positive ideals, these events are advertised as an integral part of the Brandeis community. That is undeniably true, and it should be commended that these events receive so much support. Yet […]

Univ should take preventative measures rather than wait for crisis

With the upcoming housing selection and the movement of the housing lottery online, Andrew Flagel, senior vice president for students and enrollment, has admitted that this is an improvement long overdue. “Brandeis is unusual in lacking a robust housing data system,” he said in an interview with The Hoot this week. Yes, Brandeis is outdated […]

Protest valiant effort, but requires better organization

As touted by every tour guide on campus, Brandeis is known as a university that fights for social justice, a school that is inspired by greats such as Einstein, Eleanor Roosevelt and Anita Hill, people who dedicate their lives to making lasting changes. Brandeis’ history is interwoven with the struggle for civil rights, and we […]

Three serious injuries call for immediate need for improved crosswalk safety precautions

Three serious injuries call for immediate need for improved crosswalk safety precautions In the wake of an event that The Boston Globe hailed as “peril at Brandeis,” where terrified parents called their children as soon as hearing about the event on the news, The Hoot’s point of view on the car that struck three students […]