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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

September 2008 Issue

A Correspondence with President Reinharz

The following is a compilation of questions-and-answers drawn from an e-mail to University President Jehuda Reinharz. Diverse City selected the questions posed from submissions made via a Facebook group. The questions were selected editor Maxwell Price. Maxwell Price: Is the university committed to promulgating Louis Brandeis’ views on Zionism? If not, why is the faculty […]

Privilege, Power, and Responsibility

How can you start a revolution when you are “the man?” The preceding line might sound like just a cute hook to catch the attention of the reader. But it encapsulates better than any other expression I know the dilemma I face in trying to spark a revolution. One of my dear friends posed that […]

Write (continued)

Editor’s Note: The first installment of this story appeared in the September 19 issue of Diverse City, in which an unnamed protagonist struggled with writer’s block after an unsatisfying one night stand with his best friend. Each gasp rattled his smoky lungs. With one last agonizing push he made it to the crest of the […]

Brandeis helps Posse student land internship

Sometimes interviewing another person makes you understand yourself better. I met Daniel Acheampong ’11 last year, because he lived on my hall (Gordon 2, nicest dorm floor at Brandeis?). He’s one of the most popular people I know yet he’s also incredibly down to earth. I used to see him around the hall periodically, and […]

Pissed Off Youth of America: A Call to Action

End poverty with just a click. Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, huh? Apparently, the smallest possible effort on the part of many privileged people can end a blight that has plagued humanity for millennia. The question is, why hasn’t poverty ended yet? Haven’t we clicked enough? To paraphrase a popular advertisement, how many clicks […]

A Responsible Revolution

What’s the problem with social justice? The problem with activist rhetoric at Brandeis University is not social justice itself, but the frequency with which it replaces the fundamental principle of social responsibility. Amidst the admirable goals of idealistic college students, social justice has come to imply glamour over grassroots dirty work, entitlement over ethics, and […]

P.O.Y.A.: A Motherfucking Manifesto

Last fall New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman wrote an article that dubbed the youth of today “‘Generation Q’–the Quiet Americans.” He explained that although the youth of today possess generous, passionate souls they lack the will or courage to express outrage at a time when anger seems to be the only reasonable emotion. Well, […]

P.O.Y.A.: A Fatherfucking Manifesto

This is not only about America. This is not just being pissed off. This is shame, guilt, pain and perhaps, yes perhaps also anger. I am a woman. My hips, thighs, breasts, lips, eyes all attest to it. When I walk down any street in America and around the world men whistle, undress me with […]

Accidental Activist: The Innermost Parts of Sahar

I’m a shy person. I don’t like talking about politics. I really am. Throughout middle school and high school I gained a reputation as a composed, thoughtful person who didn’t pipe up much during political debates. I relished my role, listening to my friends debate politics, knowing that when I chose to speak, people would […]

a manifesta, to be performed. unfinished.

I am tired of revolutions that do not represent me Of safe spaces that alienate aspects of my identity Denying the intersectionality That is my reality. I am supposed to put on a shelf Facets of my self Stick to the issue at hand And not make a sound About supposedly unrelated topics. I have […]