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Brandeis University's Community Newspaper — Waltham, Mass.

November 2012 Issue

Brandeis LCU gives conservatives a campus home too

The Brandeis Libertarian Conservative Union is one of the many politically-inclined clubs on campus at Brandeis. Its members are part of the Massachusetts Alliance of College Republicans, which includes notable schools such as Harvard, M.I.T., Boston University and Boston College. Morris Didia ’14, one of the leaders of the club, explained, “The Brandeis Libertarian Conservative […]

Waltham martial arts academy raises thousands for Children’s Hospital Boston

With Reggie Perry blasting Rihanna’s “Shine Bright Like a Diamond” from the stereo system inside his Waltham Martial Arts Academy, and his wife repeatedly kicking the wavemaster for 10 minutes to gain pledge donations, their four-year-old son Kobe, skipping around the room in his t-shirt and blue jeans, paused at the doorway to observe the […]

SEA hosts annual local food banquet

SEA held their annual Organic Foods Banquet on Tuesday. The banquet featured delicious food, inspirational speakers, dedicated students, sterno cans, glue, ribbons, cinnamon, blood, sweat and tears and a lot of fun. The banquet has been known to be a “fully environmental event” and Lisa Purdy ’14 shed some insight into exactly what that meant. […]

No matter your side, there are real people on the other

This week, the latest facet of the conflict between the Israeli and Palestinian people reared its head in the form of the assassination of a military official of Hamas, the terrorist group currently in power in the Gaza Strip, in retaliation for an intense barrage of rockets launched into Israel over the past decade. The […]

Canceled, when the clock is ticking

It might have already been mentioned in this column that yours truly is a senior. About five times now, actually. Together we have explored such things as campus leadership and the joy that is the LSAT. But this week, the class I had most been looking forward to next semester, my final semester, was canceled. […]

Obama claims mandate

When a president is elected by a decent margin, particularly in the popular vote, he can claim a mandate because he is elected from a national constituency. Speaker of the House John Boehner’s claim of having a mandate is unfounded. What Speaker Boehner forgot, so it seems, is that each member of his Republican majority […]

Any life lost is still a loss

I was in a hotel room outside of Jerusalem when Osama bin Laden’s death was announced. The response of my peers on my gap-year was mild and vaguely patriotic. Sitting on my lumpy rented bed, I watched as status-after-status-after-status appeared on my Facebook news feed. They hailed the Navy Seal team that killed bin Laden […]

Thanksgiving: more gravy, less god

I am a big fan of Thanksgiving. I love the food, spending time with my family and the well-deserved break from classes, papers, endless midterms and premature studying for finals. But when critics attacked the president this week for not mentioning God in his Thanksgiving address, I sat down and thought about what I am […]

Twitter, now more relevant, has supplanted Facebook

In a world of social media and instant information, college students have long gone to Facebook to connect with family, with friends at other schools, to procrastinate (homework on one tab, facebook on the other) and to upload photos of their awesome weekends. Status updates, however, are one thing you will see less and less […]

Cross country wraps up season at New England Regionals

Both the men and women’s cross-country teams competed this past weekend in the New England Regional Championship at Westfield State University. The men finished in 13th place out of 50 teams while the women placed 16th out of 51 teams. The men’s squad was once again led by Ed Colvin ’14; however, Colvin was unable […]